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Support and tips if you get an unfair moving bill

Course of action for disputing an unfair moving out bill

You should not pay for normal wear and tear of your apartment (read more about normal wear and tear here). You do have to pay for damages caused by negligence. Examples of damage due to negligence are large grease stains, broken doors or windows, cracked sinks or torn wallpaper.

Neither should you pay if your cleaning of the property before moving out matches the standard set by the landlord or made a thorough cleaning of the apartment as a whole (read more about what such cleaning should include here) or that meets the requirements that your landlord has conveyed to you. It is prefered that the landlord do a final inspection after you have moved your things out and finished the cleaning. Then, it becomes clearer to both parties what applies.

If you are required to pay a fine for “normal wear and tear” or “substandard cleaning”, you can dispute the invoice. If the bill you received is unfair, do the following:

  1. Open our template to dispute your moving bill.

  2. Fill in the information.

  3. Email the completed template to the property owner.

You may receive a response from the property owner claiming that their assessment is correct. If you don’t think their argument is convincing, stand firm and:

  1. Open our template for answers to the property owner.

  2. Fill in the details.

  3. Send these along with your answer to the property owner.

Therefore, the landlord must prove that the damage to the apartment has been done during your time as a tenant. It is also their responsibility to prove that the wear and tear is out of the ordinary. The landlord can try to resolve this by speaking directly with you. If you do not agree, and if the landlord stands their ground, they might try to resolve the issue in Tingsrätten (the district court). However, they may not send out the bill for collection after you have disputed it.

Read more about moving out bills here. Also read our position on how property owners use moving out bills to make money on insecure tenants and the consequences it has for our security in the housing market here .


Hyresgästföreningen (The tenants' association)

Hyresgästföreningen can help its members to dispute moving out bills. Note that in order to seek help from Hyresgästföreningen, you need to have been a member before you moved / received the bill Renting Law - Hyresgästföreningen - Hyresgästföreningen (hyresgastforeningen.se).


If you are a student in Uppsala and live in a student room/apartment, you should contact HUS. It is a tenants' association for students.HUS - Hyresgästföreningen Uppsala Studentbostäder - Hyresgästföreningen (hyresgastforeningen.se)

The Consumer advice service

Konsumentrådgivningen (Consumer advice service) in Uppsala offers free advice and support in matters concerning moving out bills and more. Consumer advice at Konsument Uppsala - Uppsala kommun

If you do not live in Uppsala kommun (Uppsala municipality), you can search for corresponding consumer advice in your local municipality. Many municipalities provide similar services, and you can find information on the website of your municipality.

Media texts about moving out bills (in swedish)

2019 - Hyresgästföreningen - Vilka krav har väden rätt att ställa när jag flyttar?

2016 - Östersunds-Posten - Mikael krävs på pengar efter flytt - vägrar betala hyresvärden

2015 - Länstidningen Södertälje - Fick mystisk faktura efter flytt

2010 - Hem & Hyra - Flytt kan ge dyrt efterspel